Quadra Values - Dual Seeking - Alpha - Beta - Gamma - Delta
Quadra Values
The 16 Socionics types are divided into groups of four known as "quadras." Within each quadra is each type's identity, mirror, dual, and activity relations. (See "Intertype Relations" column for further explanation.) For example, referring to the NiFe, the Beta quadra contains NiFe (their identity), FeNi (their mirror), SeTi (their dual), and TiSe (their activity partner). The type's mirror is the dual to the type's activity partner. So, in each quadra, you get two sets of duals, each of which are activity partners or mirrors of eachother.This mean that all the types within the quadra have the same valued IM elements. As well, they have the same devalued IM elements. (See article on The Functions for further explanation of valued and devalued functions.) This creates certain shared characteristics between each of the quadras, which can help explain similar and dissimilar understandings of the world.

This shows similar and disimilar points of interest and understanding between the Beta and Alpha quadra, and has implications for their interactions and comparisons. The same can be seen comparing the other quadras.
The types least likely to observe, analyze, and interact with the same parts of the world are those quadras who have no shared valued functions: Alpha and Gamma, and Beta and Delta. If types from such opposing quadras share the same basic way of judging--if they are both ethical types (Fi/Fe) or both logical types (Ti/Te)--they are more likely to get along, since they have shared understanding, if different value on that understanding. (See "The Ego and the Id.") But if they do not, they are very likely to clash, and not understand why they are clashing; in other words, these types share Conflictor and SuperEgo intertype relations. (See "Intertype Relations" column for further explanation.)
Dual Seeking: What are all these arrows?
Any type who has Ti in their Ego (their main way of seeing, analyzing, and interacting with the world) has Fe in their SuperId (their desired way of seeing, analyzing, and interacting with the world). The same is true in the opposite case, where Fe Ego has Ti SuperId. Ti Ego types naturally "seek" Fe knowledge, analysis, and interactive experiences. They may enjoy and even seek good manifestations of Fe in others. When they seek elements of their SuperId, this is known as "Dual seeking," seeking to be "dualized," since they are essentially seeking their dual, who has both of their SuperId IM elements in his Ego . Fe Ego types, likewise, "seek" Ti.This same phenomena is true with Se seeking Ni, Te seeking Fi, and Si seeking Ne. This is illustrated in the venn diagram above, where the valued IM elements are shown in how they are shared between quadras, they are also shown how they behave in "dual seeking" with an arrow indicator. A more linear outline is shown below:
Alpha Quadra SiFe FeSi NeTi TiNe = valued Ti ![]() ![]() | Beta Quadra NiFe FeNi SeTi TiSe = valued Ti ![]() ![]() |
Delta Quadra FiNe NeFi TeSi SiTe = valued Te ![]() ![]() | Gamma Quadra FiSe SeFi TeNi NiTe = valued Te ![]() ![]() |
Alpha Quadra

Si Care-giving and Fe Fun-Loving :: Ne Possibilities and Ti Understanding
Their valuing of Fe and Si encourages an upbeat and sensually pleasing atmosphere where it is generally preferred to joke about or smooth over rough edges rather than delving into them with a sober attitude. Fe, however, can also manifest in a passionate defense of one's values, or how one understands things to correlate (Ti).
The valuing of Ne and Ti encourages a view of the possible ways the pieces of the world may fit together and preferring that all potential correlations be of similar validity or importance. This may clash with people who have more "definite" viewpoints like Betas who value a Ni+Ti or a Se+Ti approach.
Social Behavior
- Socionics.us
Spontaneous, disorganized activities "for the fun of it." Light-hearted, non-serious atmosphere with very few "heavy" moments. Skipping from topic to topic without focusing on the implementation of conclusions reached. - Hitta (the16types.info)
Alphas are extremely manipulative, especially ESFjs and ISFps in their youth. Whether its through some sort of guilt manipulation, or whether its just them trying to control the situation, Alphas are very smart and very cunning. They tend to read people and their personalities very well(maybe not their present emotions, but typically what defines a person). ESFjs and ISFps may sometimes get involved in religious groups. ESFjs and ISFps usually attempt to fit in with groups and friends and such, but some may view them as rude people that like to have a control on things. ESFjs and ISFps women are usually viewed as the "bitches" of society. While ESFj and ISFp's may preach that it is important to stay faithful in a relationship, it is very unlikely that they will. While most people probably view Alphas as rude arrogant people, usually they lack confidence, and usually everything that they do is out of love. In an unbiased world, Alphas would probably subscribed to the concept of polyamory, as they usually aren't capable of (ESFjs and ISFps), or don't believe in systematic relationships(INTj, ENTp). Alphas tend to want to love everyone, and this often leaves a bad taste in the mouth of people they are in stable relationships with.
- Wikisocion.org
Alphas tend to see Beta types as fun, although "fun" with a bit of an edge, and often inclined to be a bit bossy or temperamental; in social situations Alphas usually resign the lead to Betas on the basis that Betas "care more" (a perception Betas agree with). At work, Alphas are inclined to regard Beta STs as too single-minded and rigid.
Alphas tend to regard Gamma types warily, as stand-offish and emotionally cold or even hostile, especially in work situations, as well as inclined to play favorites with those they know better or are attracted to. Alphas tend to see Gamma types as too harsh in their words, generally unimaginative tools, and too worried about the future, as well as having a streak of unforgivingness and vindictiveness.
Alphas tend to regard Delta types as kindly and creative, but a bit too politically correct and unable to loosen up and have a good time ( ). Alphas find Deltas boring after a while for this reason; they may try to "get the conversation going", with little success; the Delta will maintain a polite distance.
Beta Quadra

Ni Vision and Fe Inspiration :: Se Hierarchy and Ti Understanding
Their valuing of Ni and Ti encourages self-education and a curiosity that tends to breed creativity. Ni and Ti involves putting together facts and pieces of events or behavior over time. The valuing of Ni and Fe causes an interest in psychology and understanding behavioral patterns, motives, and interpersonal conflict solving.
This may clash with the Fe SuperEgo (vulnerabilities) of logical Delta types, who tend to view extrapolations about motives as intrusive and off putting, and exploration of possible problems that may be encountered in the future as maligning their good judgment.
Fe valuing may also give them great preference for the free communicating feelings--whether elation, sorrow, anger, or madness. It may give them a preference for covering up bad feelings in order to show goodwill, make a better mood, and encourage bonding.
Their valuing of Se entails a concern for potential to mobilize people to change something--possibly for some ethical greater good or for personal gain and establishing hierarchy. Betas like to be mobilized or inspired with "vision."
Social Behavior
- Socionics.us
Lengthy, theatrical monologues. Loud, hearty laughter. Importance given to group rituals such as those related to food and drink. Displays of great generosity and inclusion, but with the demand of emotional involvement in group. Rowdiness. Generally theatrical atmosphere, but with periodic moments of "dead seriousness." - Hitta (the16types.info)
Betas are usually very romantic, very seductive people. They tend to be very flirtatious. A problem with Betas is that they always want more out of a relationship. This often leaves them breaking off relationships in search of their true love. True love is a very important concept for Betas, they tend to believe that they will find someone that will be perfect for them. This usually is a problem for Betas in relationships because they tend to see flaws in people very simply. After breaking off a relationship with someone, they will usually have a strong deal of regret, and will usually try approaching the person again. Betas are usually extremely playful with their mannerisms. Its usually very difficult to dislike a Beta at first, though they can become quiet distasteful to some people over time.
- Wikisocion.org
Betas tend to regard Alpha types as pleasant company, fun and creative, but too goofy and present-oriented, lacking focus and ambition, needing to be led, and more concerned with refining the world of ideas and fun than the "real world". In groups, starts to dominate and there is a lot of active laughter as the Betas tell loud stories, and the Alphas make goofy suggestions for entertainment. On individual level, the differences are more difficult to overcome because values are different.
Betas tend to regard Gamma types as stand-offish and occasionally emotionally hostile, judgemental, and inclined to not seeing the "big picture" in political or work situations, a combination of political naivity and moral stiffness which may end up jeopardizing the Betas' goals. Socially boring, "can't take a joke", vindictive. A group consisting of Betas and Gammas does not mix well. Betas try to make general jokes, but Gammas make extremely personal sharp jokes. Gammas like everyone to take care of their own needs and people are constantly moving and forming small groups but Betas want people to stay together. However, on a personal level Betas and Gammas often get along very well - they discuss politics, religion, nature, etc. They both see the general trends and they compare predictions of what will happen next. They might not agree but the conversations are intriguing nevertheless.
[NEEDS WORK] Betas tend to regard Delta types as noncommittal in their unwillingness to support goals decided in a group, lack of drive, and ethical self-righteousness. Rather than back group efforts that require vision and concentration of effort, Delta types prefer to just work on personal projects.Equally mixed groups of Betas and Deltas get along just fine. Nothing great, nothing horrible. Deltas tell their personal views, but they don't feel comfortable enough to get too personal and Betas make general jokes to entertain others but don't feel playful enough to make loud jokes that might offend Deltas. However when there's a quadra dominance things go bad very fast. Beta group is too loud and impersonal for Deltas and Delta group is too slow and personal for Betas. Betas want to express their views and opinion very openly, and Deltas want everyone to keep any possibly offensive views to themselves.
Gamma Quadra

Se Control and Fi Calculability :: Ni Predictability and Te How-Tos
Their preference for Se and Fi manifests in a desire to keep a hierarchy of power and of interpersonal roles or obligations. This may or may not cause a problems with those who do not value Fi who they try to enlist into their group through the means of Fi promises or accusal of neglecting Fi obligations or roles.
Perceiving Alphas and Betas, for instance, do not willingly acquiesce to things simply by means of obligation or someone having gone out on a limb to make room for them in social politics. Non-Gamma ethical types generally do not like maintaining a position against someone in favor of someone else if the opportunity to have a free exchange of emotional expression or intellectual discussion arises. This fickleness with stances for or against others the Se+Fi will have to combat by building and constantly maintaining these distinctions within their minds.
Se can also manifest in a desire to see the world around themself in the sense of who is trying to gain power, whether through physical or ethical means, and desiring to stay on top of such things, through mental or physical prowess. Fi can also manifest in a habit of pulling people in for close discussions to make a distinction between the bond between themselves and the others in the environment.
Gamma Fi is concerned with action, mobilizing people to do one thing or another. Trying to enlist people or boot them from existing ethical hierarchies may involve at first subtle followed by aggressive engagement, if pushed. The nature of this engagement will be making or breaking the ties they have with other people, discussing with people what they did or did not do to make them deserve or not deserve their status of bond with them.
Their valuing of Ni and Te manifests in an interest in how processes and occurrences will develop and how they will be maintained in the most efficient ways. Like Beta, Ni Ego Gammas may enjoy discussing at length how things will develop and manifest a sense of odd or obscure humor as they enjoy themselves. Te preference may manifest in a desire to do things in a certain prescribed "best" and exact step-by-step process, often with very efficient and well-positioned results.
Social Behavior
- Socionics.us
Trading jokes on materialistic topics (money, sex, winning and losing). Rowdiness and drivenness. Prefer socializing in smaller groups (about six people or less) and planning and carrying out productive activities together. - Hitta (the16types.info)
Gammas are usually moral enthusiasts. While they can often be charming, they usually are very quick to withdraw themselves from their relationships unless they find a person that they feel is extremely important to them. Gammas can and will be extremely reclusive at times. Gammas are usually extremely unlikely to change their believes, or to experiment in anything unfamiliar. In marriage, Gammas usually pride themselves on being extremely faithful, though in these relationships they may not be very active. If something is done that is too out of the boundaries of the moral standards that Gammas have, the Gamma will not tolerate it and break off the relations with the person that committed these acts.
- Wikisocion.org (personal edits)
Gammas tend to perceive Alpha types as creative, generally well-meaning, and friendly and pleasant people, especially as a group, as a first impression. Later, Gammas tend to see Alphas as lacking ambition in the longer term, overly concerned with sensorial pleasure and comfort, and overly demanding of, and sensitive to, external emotional expression without making much effort to focus on deeper feelings involved.
Gammas tend to regard Beta types as driven, ambitious people with a sense of purpose and who can get things done, usually with very strong views, as in political issues or ways of approaching work, which Gammas tend to see as not backed by sufficient factual confirmation and therefore too ideological. Gammas also may regard Betas as abandoning when bent on achieving a goal, ignoring their obligations of relational role to make them feel included and provided for socially.
Gammas tend to perceive Delta types as kindly, well-meaning and creative people, but the ethical Deltas as perhaps too welcoming and forgiving of people whom a Gamma may regard as undeserving.
Delta Quadra

Fi Interpersonal Ne Possibilities :: Si Practicality and Te How-Tos
The preferences for Si and Fi focus on the nature of family and caretaking, Fi interpersonal bonds with Si provisions and interpersonal enjoyment. Valuing Te+Si manifests in a concern for very economical projects that will benefit interpersonal enjoyment, personal beauty, and aesthetics. Fi+Ne focuses on interpersonal possibilities for bonding and, with some, tactic forming.
With unhealthy logical Deltas, weak ethics, devalued Fe, and valued Fi may manifest in a preference for the "realness" of verbal or physical abuse in causing each party to be put in mutually exposed and vulnerable positions, a forced Fi relationship where each relies on the other not to give away their faults or hurt them any more; when pushed to the limit this may be the only way unhealthy logical Deltas can feel a sense of inclusion, closeness, "realness."
Social Behavior
- Socionics.us
Discussion of interesting facts about people and places. Enjoy group outdoor activities. "Live and let live" attitude. Engage only in "productive" activities and discussions. Prefer smaller groups. Emotionally subdued; generally serious, but with periodic funny moments. - Hitta (the16types.info)
Deltas are usually somewhat reserved. They usually attempt to gather as many friends as possible from any possible environment. Deltas usually appear extremely fragile to people emotionally, though this usually isn't the case. Deltas are usually confident in themselves and their abilities to make friends. Serious relationships such as dating are usually put off in the Deltas teens and earlier 20s. This usually lives more time to spend with friends. Deltas can become overly infatuated with their friends. Their friendships are always their number 1 priorities. Deltas usually have an innocence about them, as they are usually not wild or into anything overly promiscuous. Later in life they will usually become more open to developing a romantic relationship.
- Wikisocion.org
Deltas tend to see Alpha types as fun company and interesting people to discuss ideas and prospects with, but naive and inconsistent in their personal and business relationships. Alpha types seem to lack the common sense to turn their fun and creative energy into something productive and often seem overly idealistic.
Deltas tend to see Beta types as people who "dream big" and always want to turn things into grandiose endeavors, yet can't manage day-to-day affairs effectively. Also, Beta types seem unwilling to consider things from the point of view of others, which gives them a streak of meanness and cruelty.
Deltas tend to see Gamma types as driven and reliable in personal and business relationships, but not sufficiently understanding of people who want to pursue their own individual path in life. Gamma types sometimes become too demanding and can have a streak of vindictiveness or spitefulness which prevents them from being accepting and forgiving.
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